Map of Sao Paulo
Capital: São Paulo (notice that State and city have the same name)
Area: 248,808 km2
Important cities: Campinas, Guarulhos, Santo André, Osasco, São Bernardo do Campo, São José dos Campos, Ribeirão Preto, Santos, Sorocaba, Diadema, Jundiaí
Economy: industry (petroleum, siderurgic, pulp and paper), agriculture
Climate in Sao Paulo, Brazil
Important newspapers: O Estado de Sao Paulo ; Folha de Sao Paulo
The city of São Paulo is the capital of the State of São Paulo (the only other Brazilian State where this happens is Rio de Janeiro). The naturals or the State are called paulistas, while those from the city are called paulistanos.
São Paulo is, by far, the economic center of Brazil. Agriculture, industry, commerce and services are the most diversified of Brazil; although a large proportion is exported to other States and other countries, the consumer market of the State is also the biggest in Brazil.
Differently from other States, where settlement started in the coast and moved inwards, in São Paulo the center of the economy was in a non-coastal city; even though the city of São Paulo is located just about 100 km off the coast, there is a massive mountains chain (the Serra do Mar) which makes the journey difficult.
São Paulo is also the most multi-cultural State of Brazil. The bandeirantes used much of the indian culture to explore the State, back in the 17th century; black slaves worked in the farms, but were soon replaced by foreigner immigrants of many nationalities (no other State received as many immigrants); more recently, the internal migrations brought Brazilians from several other States to São Paulo.
It should be added here that while visiting Brazil, you would find plenty of options for accommodation. There are a number of hotels in Brazil that cater to the needs for accommodation for all sorts of tourists.
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